
By registering here you'll be able to supply liquidity and also tokenize your loan

If you want you can also remove your NFT (Only for Stokenet testing)

Choose the token you prefer to supply and tokenize !

You supplied 0 tokens at epoch

You locked 0 tokens at epoch at an interest rates of 0% and that will get you 0 at maturity date


Current API

Supplying liquidity you will receive TKN tokens back and also an updated NFT


Withdraw liquidity you'll get back your tokens plus a reward calculated over the time your funding has been provided!


Current API

You can ‘tokenize’ your loan and you’ll get an extra percentage, fixed until the specified maturity date
You can withdraw after maturity or you can swap before at a higher/lower value based on market condition !


You can swap at a higher/lower value based on market condition (before maturity!)


Redeems the underlying PT from PrincipalToken (after maturity!)

Claim Yield

Claim yield and you get back the interest calculated at the time of tozeniking (after maturity!)